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Stuart Zadel reveals the three key principles from Napoleon Hill’s powerful book, Think and Grow Rich.

STU: Okay. So, as I’ve said over the course of the weekend, we will be unpacking the key lessons to the book, Think and Grow Rich. Now, Napoleon Hill wrote a lot of publications, a lot of books probably crystalised and most famous in his book, Think and Grow Rich which was released in 1937. But it took him 25 years of study to get there and he had released a lot of materials before that. You might know The Law Of Success In 16 Lessons and what not to ultimately get to the condensed version of Think and Grow Rich.

Now, what I’m telling you is there are three key lessons in the book, Think and Grow Rich out of the thirteen. Your challenge is, which of the three? There are three key ones. So, now in the next three sessions, one by one, we’re going to highlight the three key ones.

When I say key ones, I will go as far to say this, if you have the three, you win. If you miss one, you lose. I’m going to go as far as saying that. So, it’s not either or, you need all three as a minimum. And you’re going to say to me, “Stuart, why does he need the other thirteen principles in the book?” Well, he said, “I need them there to keep you on the track. I need the other thirteen to pop up the big three and they all contributes towards it.” Which we’re going to get and go through and work along. So, if you’ve got your workbooks, I’d love you to turn to page 13. 12 and 13.

Alright, so on page 13, we’ve got some fill in the blanks so I’m going to ask you some questions and see if you can guess the right answers. Alright, so I’ve already told you, how many key principles are there?

CROWD: Three.

STU: Alright. So, the first 2 blanks, the first 2 of the 3 key principles in the book, Think and Grow Rich. The first one is to have a what? Three words. Anyone wants to have a guess? Okay, someone over here got it. If we would go to Tony Robbins, one of the world’s leading person up for training, we say, “Tony, what is your one key to success if you could tell them just one thing?” Tony Robbins is going to say, “You need a clearly defined list of goals and a written plan for their attainment.” That, ladies and gentlemen is straight out of Think and Grow Rich 101.

So, what you need is a definite chief aim plus a what? The next bit is very important. It must be what? Written. A written plan for its attainment. It is the what of all achievement? What do you reckon? It is the starting point. Beautiful. Good student. You guys are good. It is a starting point of all achievements.

Alright. So, by show of hands, how many of you have a definite chief aim? Let’s see a show of hands. One thing on top of your list. Wonderful. Hands up again if you’ve got one. Okay, great. Leave your hand up if it’s written down. Okay, great. I’m going to take you a step further. Leave your hands up if it’s written it down and you carry it around with you every day. Okay. So, there are some further distinctions and power we can add by following those two steps. Hands up if you don’t have one. Okay, great. No shame, no whatever in that. It takes some time to work this out. I’m not suggesting you’re going to come up with it by the end of this 2-day event, but you might get the inspiration to find it. My challenge to you is to find it within the next 7 days and here’s the key thing, you don’t have to know for the rest of your lifetime. I believe this is my life’s worth. We’ll talk about this in the final session. My life’s worth is to raise the conscious awareness of this country and also the world. That is my stated purpose and intent in being on this planet and I’ll just to do that in different ways over my lifetime. But you don’t need to know for the rest of your life, you might just need to know for the next five years or the next period of life, the next 12 months, the next month, and heck! It could be for the next 2 days! Just have a definite chief aim for the next 2 days to get the most out of this or find a path or a strategy that resonates with you.

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