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In Episode 5 of ‘Hidden Secrets of Money,’ Mike Maloney reveals the dangers that arise when money is corrupted.

Mike walks us through The Bundesbank GledMuseum, or money museum in Germany, and at the same time walks us through the history of money. It’s revealing stuff.

A Central Bank’s job is to keep money scarce and thus, valuable. With unbridled printing (e.g. QEI, II and III etc), currency becomes increasingly worthless. Inflation ensues and this is how people are robbed blind, every day. But since most people don’t understand what’s going on… they remain victims.


History shows when the pendulum swings from Quality Money across to Quantity Currency, we have collapse… every time.

If you’ve followed the series so far, you’re just one more episode away from the finish with the added bonus of having a front row seat and living through history repeating itself – so you’ll know how it ends this time round…

Wishing you sound health and sound money.


PS. May I suggest you forward this article to everyone you know and care about. Also, post it on Facebook for others to discover the truth. And if you have children, teach them about money and history today.

Watch the entire Hidden Secrets of Money Series here.

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