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Sam Cawthorn believes that there are three irrefutable laws you need to effectively engage your audience and get your message across. Discover what these are in this post.

Hi, guys! It’s Sam Cawthorn here, the international best-selling author, and also the creator of Celebrity Authority.

For today’s video, I’m actually going to give you the 3 irrefutable laws to ensure that you get your message out there in a significant way.

I believe this video will be relevant to any business owner out there. Whether you’re a solopreneur, infopreneur, entrepreneur, or even when you’re actually in the space of professional speaking, coaching, facilitating, training, being an author. I believe these are the 3 irrefutable laws that every single person must know in order for you to engage the current world.

The very first law is positioning. It’s all about knowing exactly what your differentiating value proposition is compared to all the noise out there. As you know, there are so much noise out there in your space, in your area of expertise. The only people that are actually making any real progress in this are actually people that have got a differentiating value proposition to everyone else, because there is so much noise.

What exactly are you positioning yourself at? Because yes, there is a very huge market out there. But really, the only people who are grabbing hold of that market are the people that had positioned themselves well, that stand out from the noise. It’s quite interesting, when I won this award as the Young Australian of the Year for Tasmania, they flew me to Canberra and I’m about to meet the Prime Minister of Australia. I’ve actually done something that will ensure that he will never forget me. When he met me and went to shake my hand, I actually detached my hand and it came off into his hand. I can tell you that he never ever forgot that moment. Why did I do it? I did it specifically because I wanted to make sure that I position myself to a person that he would never forget.

When you meet people out there in your space, when you go to a networking function, or maybe actually getting your information out online, what exactly are you positioning yourself out? How are you different to all the other noise that they’ll never forget that interaction they had with you? For me, I actually think it’s the difference between a happy or satisfied client or customer, compared to a raving fan. You know, after someone bought your product or service, or someone just recently engaged you, and they say something like, “Wow, that was great! Thank you so much, you really made a difference. We’re very happy with what you did.” That’s the difference between a happy client or a satisfied customer, compared to a raving fan. The raving fan is like, “Oh my goodness! You blew us away! You were extraordinary, you are outstanding. You are the best we’ve ever had.” That’s the difference of the raving fan. That’s when they say, “I cannot wait to talk about you in front of my friends and family. I’ll get my doctor, my nurse, my butcher, my lawyer, my doctor’s friends, my cousins, my butcher’s dog’s sister… Whatever it is, that’s the difference between the raving fan—someone that cannot wait to go out and talk about you—compared to someone that’s just a happy, or a satisfied customer. That’s where this market is right now. For you to position yourself as an authority in your space, you must have a differentiating value proposition. You must stand out from the noise.

The second irrefutable law is platform.

This is this whole area of when you do engage as a speaker, or an author, or an online marketer, a facilitator, a trainer, a coach, or whatever that might be. When you deliver that, how well do you deliver that? I’ve actually met some professional speakers out there that have a very average online presence, have very average marketing, they basically got no major website, they’ve got really average marketing brochures…etc. One thing about these guys is why they are making a significant contribution, and why they are getting booked left, right, and centre—it’s because they are masterful on the stage. I’ve met some of the greatest professional speakers, video bloggers, and authors, and these guys continue to invest in themselves no matter what. They’ll continue to become better on what they do.

What is the godfather of non-verbal, body language? Allan Pease. What did he say? He says that 89% of all communication is not what comes out of your mouth. It’s actually the non-verbals. It’s your body language, your gestures, the tonality of our voice, our physiology—whatever that might be. How are you developing yourself off to a whole other level? To get your 10,000 hours up on the platform. Whether it’s communicating through your 20-second elevated pitch. Whether it’s actually becoming a professional speaker and learning about storytelling, and crafting amazing conversations. Whether it’s actually becoming a coach and drawing out the best that you can from your clients. How are you when you’re on that platform, when you’re riding a line of fire, when you’re there on the battlefield? How are you becoming the best at what you do? For me, I actually do five to six speaking engagements every single week, and I’m always looking at how I can become better, and become more masterful on the platform. So the second irrefutable law is the platform.

The third irrefutable law is actually your packaging.

What I mean by packaging is, yes, you know you might be a coach, or a facilitator, an online trainer, or a marketer. Whether or not, you just want to get your message out there in a very significant way. How are you packaging that right now to ensure that you can have a residual income, to ensure that you can earn money while you sleep, and also to ensure your message is getting out there in more of a significant way? You know, it’s quite interesting when I’ve first started speaking…..

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