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History has seen some truly remarkable people come and go over the years.

One of the most influential in my life, has been the hugely popular self-help author, Napoleon Hill.

Hill wrote a number of self-help books during his time, though the one that really helped put his name of the map was Think and Grow Rich…

Which even today, still remains amongst the top 10 most popular self-help books of all time.

Now, it’s fair to say that we all want to get the best from ourselves, and we all want to be as successful as we believe we can be.
Napoleon Hill’s definition: “success is the attainment of your definite chief aim without violating the rights of other people”.

So from the master himself, here are Hill’s top 5 rules for success.
#1 – Desire

According to Hill, desire is the starting point of all achievement. Anyone can achieve anything they want if they have a strong enough burning desire. And desire is not the same as a wish or a hope… it is definite and insatiable.

Hill shares that, “There is one quality which one must possess to be successful, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.”

#2 – Definiteness Of Purpose

A definite purpose can be a goal or anything you desire to achieve with two distinctions. First, it should be one major definite purpose and not many. Second, it should be definite.

In the book Think and Grow Rich, Hill shares a six-step method how anyone can achieve what they desire in life, such as to amass wealth.

First, he says, is to fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire to achieve. Second, determine exactly what you are willing to commit to receiving this amount of money. Next, specify an exact date by when you want to achieve it. Fourth, create a plan and take the first step immediately. And then describe your desire in a clear and concise sentence. Finally, read the state aloud twice daily.

#3 – Specialised Knowledge

Hill states that knowledge is power and if you want to achieve outstanding success, you must be willing to obtain and use your specialised knowledge.

However, he also claims that knowledge only gives you potential power. It becomes actual power only when intelligently directed through specific plans of action and a well-defined purpose.


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#4 – Take Decisive Action

One of the most common reasons people don’t achieve success is because of procrastination. Decisive action is essentially the mastery of procrastination.

Successful people are decisive people, and almost always reach decisions promptly… and almost always change their decisions slowly.

When opportunities come their way, they evaluate them carefully, make a decision, and take appropriate action. They know that indecision wastes time that could be spent on more productive tasks.
The ability to decide quickly with determination comes from having a definite purpose and understanding exactly what you want. And this ability defines leaders.

Hill writes, “The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.”​​​​​​​
#5 – ​​​​​​​Conceive, Believe, Achieve
One of the most famous quotes from Hill is, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
​​​​​​​Hill believes that if you want be successful… to achieve whatever you want in life… you must first see it in your mind and then absolutely believe in it. You need to have faith and to realise that you can do it.

Whether you believe you can or you cannot, you are right!

To Your Success

PS. Remember to check out how Queensland mother of 2, Nicole and hubby Aaron, got paid $323,000 by Airbnb in their first 12 months, using other people’s properties… and importantly, how you can too! Check It Out Here