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It’s time to bust these property development myths with Australia’s Billion Dollar Property Developer, Bob Andersen.

Zadel Property Education Property Development Bob Andersen

There are so many strategies out there, and anything to do with property is good. But for me, it’s property development.


Property development is at the pinnacle of all things property. That’s where the big dollars are made and that’s where you need to be if you’re going to get the absolute maximum return. Now you might think, ‘That’s millions of dollars. I’ve got to have so much knowledge. How can I do it?.’

I’ll discuss specific concepts as I take you inside the exciting and highly lucrative world of property development and property investment.

We’re going to break some property development myths, and I’m going to show you the strategies that property developers use to create great wealth for themselves. I’m going to show you how to do it.


But before we get too far, I think we need to kill a few myths because you can come in here from the outside with all sorts of misconceptions.

That You Need To Be Wealthy

One of the misconceptions about property development is that you need to be really wealthy to get started. You know nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, I teach a whole range of strategies – 13 to be exact – where you can get involved in property development with either little or, in some cases, none of your own money. And a lot of my students are doing extremely well using these strategies so no, you don’t have to be wealthy.

That You Need Experience

What about experience? People think you need to have 5 – 10 years experience and you need to have worked for a building or a property development company. No, you don’t need heaps of experience. What you need is some knowledge and a system to follow. That’s what I teach in my course.

That You Need To Be A Builder

Now some of you might think, ‘Oh I’ve got to be builder. I don’t know much about building!” You don’t need to know about building to be a property developer. You know who needs to know about being a builder? The builder! You organise the builder and the builder does all the building. You don’t need to deal with any trades or any suppliers. That’s what I love about property development: leveraging those expert skill and knowledge.

That You Should Do Property Development Full Time

Another thing people think about is time. They think, ‘Oh, I’ve got a day job. I haven’t got the time.’ I can tell you that most of my students have a full time day job while they do their first 1 or 2 projects. In fact, I’ve got a student in Sydney who’s doing 3 projects at the moment while he has a full time job. It’s quite a high level management job in a major Telco company, and he’s doing 3 projects on a side. He lives in Sydney and the projects aren’t even in Sydney.

So look, money isn’t a problem. You need some creative strategies. And in this series I’m going to go through a number of those strategies with you. Do you have to know a lot about building? No. I’ll show you how to choose builders and get the right people. Time? Leverage the time. I’ll show you how. As a property developer, you’re actually the coordinator. You’re like the puppet master coordinating other people. It’s those people who put in the expertise and the time.

Watch out for Bob Andersen’s upcoming discussions in the PROFITable Property Process.

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