Hi friends,

For the past year I have been studying permaculture in my spare time.

The creator of permaculture, Bill Mollison, was an incredible man...

Bill said, “All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden”, and after a year of research, I tend to agree.

So whilst I am in the business of property education to create wealth, remember wealth is much more than money, as many are now realising.

I think the solution to our problems is to go back. A hundred years or so back...

Monetary Health:

A hundred years ago, Gold and Silver were the real money. The dollars in your pocket represented a fixed amount of physical metal you could redeem your money for. Gold and Silver have always been monetary metals. They still are. 5 states now in the United States including Texas and Utah have made Gold and Silver legal currency once again in the last few years. Can you see where this is going?

I’m not aware of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution ever removing Gold and Silver as legal currency?

Solution: Consider converting as much of your net worth as you are comfortable with into physical Gold and Silver right now. It lasts and can’t be hyper-inflated away.

Physical Health:

A hundred years ago, people used to move their bodies physically a lot more. They walked, bicycled and did physical labour either as a job or at home. Your body is meant to move every day.

They grew most of their own food at home and the quality of the food they grew and ate was much better. They looked after their soil. Their soil had minerals and nutrients in it required by the body. As a result of these two things, they had robust, vibrant health.

Solution: Consider building soil, compost, a garden and plant as much food as quickly as you can. If your options are limited, support those who do, until you can as well.

Family/Community Health:

A hundred years ago families were strong and connected, not perfect. They worked to support a common goal. The family lived, worked, and played together often on a family farm. There is a massive movement back to connecting with family and raising brilliant children more connected with nature.

Solution: Consider moving rural or to the country with your family or a community of like-minded people and enjoy a better quality of life. If you can’t move, start where you stand, with what you have, and more will be given to you.

This months video is also on solutions. Start with my video, then the experts and finally, join us on our
Gift of the Month Live Webinar on Tuesday 7th April.

To Your Health and Happiness!

 Gift of the Month 
 Expert Videos 

Printing Money, Inflation and the Gold-Silver Ratio

Today I share my thoughts on the ease by which money is being printed, the true meaning of inflation and the gold-silver ratio.


My 5 "G"s

Today I discuss the 5 things I believe you should consider doing right now to survive and thrive in today's economy.



Success student Lauren from WA reveals how she's helping and STILL earning from her 16 Airbnb properties.


Finding Opportunities

Website Investors Liz and Matt share their thoughts on how to best find opportunities during challenging times.


Things We're Doing Right Now

Airbnb Expert Aaron Byerlee reveals a list of things he and his students are doing to get through this global crisis.


Coronavirus Truth and Fiction: An Optimistic View

Popular YouTube channel London Real presents pioneer Gregg Braden, who offers a balanced, optimistic view to mainstream media.


 Book of the Month 

‘As A Man Thinketh’ –
narrated by Stuart Zadel

In today’s world, and now more than ever, you need to take control of what you allow to reach your subconscious mind. Positive self-suggestion and self-education are the answers. As a special complimentary gift this month, here’s the most powerful audio and ebook I know of to help you.

Foods of the Month
Immunity boosting foods that should be consumed often.
 Book of the Month 

‘Permaculture’ –
by Bill Mollison

Permaculture is the ethical design of our natural habit and development of agricultural ecosystems, and a sustainable philosophy of living: the collaboration of humans and nature in action. Written by the “grandfather” of permaculture, this book explains it all.

 MEME of the Month 
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