Hi friends,

Welcome to your May 2021 newsletter.

It’s true, property prices are surging.

There have been price rises across 85.7% of total Aussie suburbs in recent months, with March recording the fastest national capital growth rate in residential housing since 1988, according to CoreLogic.

If ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’...

I’d suggest, ‘record low mortgage rates, and government home buying and building incentives, lifts all properties!’

Yes, anyone can make money in this market by simply buying, holding, and hoping and praying the market continues to go up.

But… just remember, you can’t have a great boom without a great bust!

To be clear...

I’m not predicting an Aussie market property crash anytime soon, (I just think things will continue to rise at a slower pace), but ‘buying, holding, hoping and praying’ has never been my style.

It’s simply too risky to buy at all-time highs, and then relying on passive outside factors, for my money.

In business, you want to control the outcome whilst reducing or eliminating your risk.

In the business of creating wealth through property, you do this by ADDING VALUE.

This was the whole premise of my best-selling book, ‘The New Way To Make Money In Property Fast’ which featured 6 active strategies which ADD VALUE to property.

See, wealthy people know, ‘YOU do the work, not the market’.

And if you wish to be financially free within 5 years or less, simply buying and holding will not achieve this for you, in my experience.

The world right now is engaged in an unlimited money printing experiment...

Unlimited money printing to an economy, is like heroine to a drug addict. Each time in order to achieve a similar high, a bigger and bigger dose is needed.

Eventually the drug addict will either die from an overdose, or will have to go into rehab, the hard way.

By way of example, the US stock market right now is at all-time highs, for no real reason other than unlimited financial stimulus.

History shows, this can’t go on forever... and we know what follows a boom....

Traditionally, US stocks have an average Price-to-Earnings ratio (P/E Ratio) of about 15. The P/E Ratio is a measure of value, and a P/E of 15 means it takes 15 years of current earnings to pay for the share and get your initial investment back.

Currently the average market P/E Ratio’s is around 45! (That’s 200% above normal!)

Case in point: Tesla (TSLA), a market darling, benefits from massive government incentives of its products, pays no dividends, makes huge losses from the sale of its cars, and has a P/E Ratio of 1,186... and is rising fast, now within 18% of its all-time highs.

Does this make sense?

Now, not to single out any stock or company, because whilst I take issue with the massively over-valued market valuations, my main issue is this.

If you buy a stock, there is nothing you can do to add value to your investment.

Sure you can purchase the products or services of that company, but that is not going to substantially increase the company value.

So, you are left ‘buying, holding, and praying’ for the market to keep rising.

A better strategy is to buy an investment where you have not only direct control, but the ability to ADD VALUE to that asset quickly.

You could buy a run-down tired property, below market value, and add value through a quick cosmetic renovation.

Or you could buy a run-down, tired but good business, from a run-down, tired and soon-to-be retiring business owner, and inject that with new energy and new ideas or products...

Or even better, you could get on-board with one of the most unique, on-trend, investment and business skills in the world... you could learn to buy, renovate and sell (or hold), websites for profit.

Yes! It’s very similar to our property strategy, but we use digital assets instead. You don’t even have to leave home, and you have a worldwide market that’s booming.

We only present this strategy twice per year, and your last chance this financial year is happening soon. Check out our Gift of the Month below for details.

Until next time, please enjoy our expert’s Success Tip videos, and adopt this KEY habit of success in all areas of your life...

ADD VALUE to everyone you meet and everything you do.

Be Awesome.

PS. I do wish to acknowledge my belated Valentine’s Day card from a ‘Long Lost Secret Admirer’!! It’s been quite a while since I’ve received one. It was placed in our physical letter box outside the office, and half-eaten by snails by the time we found it recently! But thank you none the less (whom ever you are). You’ve made me smile!

  Gift of the Month  

NOTE: You MUST be registered to access the webinar and the replay.

  Expert Videos  
Your Retirement Strategy

Experts Liz and Matt Raad discuss the benefits of having digital assets in your retirement strategy

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Co-Hosting on Airbnb

Expert Nicole Byerlee outlines what the ‘co-hosting’ model is, and how you legally profit from it

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Options Training [Rare]

Expert Sean Allison reveals what a Bull Flag is and how being right 30% of the time can still makes you $$ profits

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Blockchain, NFTs, DEFI

Expert Aden Michielsen shares why the explosive growth of crypto and digital is not just about Bitcoin

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Click the photos below to view on Facebook.

Laughter and fun hanging out with some of my Sydney crew

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Getting prepared and ‘in state’ for my latest Webinar Wednesday

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Two years to my first home-grown Dwarf Meyer Lemon, and well worth the wait

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My belated Valentine’s Day card from a ‘long lost secret admirer’ (half-eaten by snails!)

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  Book of the Month  

‘More Equal Animals: The Subtle Art of True Democracy’ by Dan Larimer

This powerful text gives a roadmap for humanity to re-discover how to live in peace without creating institutions that eventually fall to corruption and tyranny.

‘More Equal Animals: The Subtle Art of True Democracy’ by Dan Larimer

This powerful text gives a roadmap for humanity to re-discover how to live in peace without creating institutions that eventually fall to corruption and tyranny.

  Recipe of the Month  

Vegan Lentil Dahl

Serve this easy-to-make and low cost wholesome vegan recipe as a super healthy snack, or with rice or quinoa and a naan as a tasty main dish.


Vegan Lentil Dahl

Serve this easy-to-make and low cost wholesome vegan recipe as a super healthy snack, or with rice or quinoa and a naan as a tasty main dish.

  MEME of the Month  

Please feel free share on Facebook or Instagram by clicking below.

Questions?? Freecall: 1800 899 058 and ask for Dave.
Or Email: Stuart@StuartZadel.com.

Proudly Brought To You By:
FREECALL: 1800 899 058

All content and information provided in the presentation is general advice and for educational purposes only. If you wish to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy then you should consult a financial adviser to fully understand the risks associated with that course of action in your particular circumstances.

All testimonials on this page are real testimonials from real clients... however, we can't be certain that the results stated by these clients are typical nor can we verify that they are correct. Anyway, past returns can't be taken as indicative of future results. We don't believe in "get-rich-quick" programs – only in sharing practical wealth building knowledge, adding value, inspiring confidence and teaching intelligent risk management solutions. Our expert's programs are intended to help you expand your knowledge and support your financial analysis while growing your investment confidence. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you.

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1. Tickets are strictly limited and subject to availability due to venue or online platform capacity. Zadel Property Education may close registrations without notice.
2. Zadel Property Education may, with reasonable cause, refuse registration or entry to any individual, including any person considered to be attending for an improper purpose.
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5. Speakers and bonuses may be subject to change without notice.
6. Your attendance shall constitute your acceptance that during the Event, each speaker will be offering additional courses for purchase by participants. These courses will enable you to learn in greater detail how to put into practice the speaker’s strategies. These additional educational services will be offered for sale at the Event and of course, you are free to choose whether you want more information and wish to purchase the further services of the speaker.
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FREECALL NUMBER: 1800 899 058   EMAIL: Stuart@StuartZadel.com
ADDRESS: Suite 7/2-4 Merton Street, Sutherland NSW 2232   POSTAL: PO Box 1232, Sutherland NSW 1499
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