Our legal lease template with landlords. This alone is Valued at $3,000.
Scripts for all occasions so that you know exactly what to say to Real Estate Agents and Landlords that will have them enthusiastically wanting you as their tenant and Airbnb™ their property. Valued at $300
Our negotiated VIP deals with all of our outsourcing partners including guest amenities, industry-first "Guest Check-In Form", laundry service, cleaning app, channel management and access to our insurance broker who can help you with a short term rental policy to meet your situation. Valued at $300
‘Done-for-you’ marketing materials such as a full 17-page "marketing brochure" and also "Property Appraisal template", Q and A sheet, Landlord Letter and your business model overview to show your credentials and professionalism. These will all help you get properties quickly. Valued at $300
Our 34-point “Airbnb™ Secret Algorithm Hack.” This is a checklist so that you always show up in the listings, get more bookings and make more money. Valued at $500
The “Spaghetti Grinder” - Our 4-step evaluation formula for deciding whether to take on a property or not. Valued at $300
Coaching Call Vault. Every single coaching call recorded and put in the course under your own Coaching Call Vault Bonus Module so that you can listen to over and over at anytime. Valued at $5,000