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With more than 5 million views on YouTube, this is, by far, the most important information (video) I’ve ever sent you: Episode 4 of Hidden Secrets of Money.

Specifically, Episode 4 of Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets Of Money – The Biggest Scam In Human History (in 7 easy steps) has had about 600% more views than any other episode in the series, and for good reason.


Henry Ford famously said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

It’s true! Most of us are clueless about how the monetary system is created or how it works… until now. In this video, Mike strips it down to easy-to-understand basics, and more and more people are getting it.

This is evidenced by things such as the Occupy Wall Street movement a few years ago and growing calls to ‘End The Fed’ in the US. As more people get educated, it seems that ‘revolution before tomorrow morning’ moment Mr. Ford spoke about, may be getting closer.

How do you prepare for its arrival?

  • Have you ever wondered what really happens to your paycheck or cash once you deposit it in the bank?
  • Have you ever thought about why and when people started paying income tax at all?
  • Are you curious about what inflation is, why it exists and why central banks are desperate to engineer it?

All this and lots more is revealed in this episode and what you can do about it.


I’ve posted this because in October 1, 2016, the Chinese Yuan will officially be included in the IMF’s Special Drawing Right, or SDR for the first time in history.

This could become one of the most significant dates in monetary history since Nixon ceased the redemption of U.S. Dollars for gold ‘temporarily’ back on August 15, 1971.

Chinese, Russian and other Central banks are buying huge amounts of gold in preparation. In an unprecedented move, the central banks of both Switzerland and Norway have purchased massive holdings in gold mining shares recently in preparation.

Get Educated Now.

Stuart Zadel New Signature





PS. May I suggest you forward this article to everyone you know and care about. Also, post it on Facebook for others to discover the truth. And if you have children, teach them about money and history today.

Watch the entire Hidden Secrets of Money Series here.

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