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CEO and Wealth Educator Stuart Zadel is in Stockholm, Sweden and has met with a local, Lilia, who shares her views on what it’s like living with negative interest rates – where she has to pay the bank ‘rent’ each year to store her money.

A few days back I introduced you to Lilia…

My Russian-Swedish new best friend, who I had the pleasure of meeting recently whilst I was in Stockholm.

We recorded two 10-minute videos about what it’s like living in Sweden.

In the first video, Lilia revealed her views on Sweden being the first country in the world to become almost completely cashless (no physical cash!).

And today, I’m sharing the second video, where Lilia discusses why you have to pay the banks ‘rent’ to hold your money for you, plus a lot more.

In this video, you’ll discover:

> what the zero-floor limit is, and why it matters to the economy
> how Swedish banks charge you for the privilege of storing your money
> why most Swedes still leave their money in banks, despite the cost
> how Swedish home loan rates are less than half of Aussie rates, and,
> how depositors in Cyprus once lost 50% of all savings above 100k Euros!

If any of this is news to you, watch the video and check out what a Swedish local with firsthand experience living like this has to say.

Why? – Because I believe there’s a strong chance Australians are about to experience the exact same thing, and you’re going to want to be prepared.

For example, did you know that on the 14 February 2018, the Australian Parliament secretly introduced bank ‘bail-in’ laws??

And that just this month, in August 2019, the Australian Parliament has also sneakily initiated ‘cash restricting’ laws which had a very short public comment period??

It’s incredible what’s going on when you lift the veil and take a long hard look at the moves being made behind the scenes to manipulate our financial and monetary system…

Moves which I believe are designed to introduce negative interest rates in Australia… and simultaneously eliminate cash to prevent you withdrawing it, which will ultimately lock you into the failing banking system.

You see, the financial system is connected the whole world over, and before we fulfil our obedience to this soon-to-be global monetary experiment, there are many questions we need answers too.

– Think privacy, technology, inequality, fees, overspending, and the effects it will have on the 1.7 billion unbanked people around the world.

So my suggestion is to start conversations and share this knowledge with as many family members and friends as you can. You’ll be amazed at how few people even know about this stuff right now…

And for a great place to kick start your own research and get answers to what’s really going on, go here:

To Your Success.